Hot Tenders. Warm Hearts.
Let’s Partner Together!
Sexy Sammies isn’t just local—we’re your locals. Our team works, lives, and maybe even flirts with disaster right here in Northern Colorado. We’re not just about serving up the juiciest chicken; we’re all about giving back to the communities that keep us sizzling.
From food and gift card donations to hosting fundraising nights that bring the heat, we’ve got plenty of ways to partner with you and your cause.
Fill out the form below! But remember: we’re a hot commodity, so get your request in at least a month before your event. That way, we’ll have time to plan, and you’ll have time to get the word out.
We focus our donations on groups that support youth education, sports, recreation, and local food banks. If your cause doesn’t fall into these categories, don’t sweat it—still shoot your shot! Just know we draw the line at:
Individual causes (sorry but we aren’t chipping in for your cousin’s dog’s birthday)
For-profit ventures (we’re flattered, but no, we won’t buy your NFTs)
Religious groups for religious purposes (chicken is our only religion).
Lobbying or political groups (because we like to keep things spicy, not divisive).
Individual study, research, or travel grants (we’re not a scholarship fund, babe).